Saturday, February 16, 2008

Watching out Mom's Window

The Bohemian Wax Wings, 4 of them were eating the current berries left over from fall.
They look huge compared to our usual birds; Chickadees, Red Poles, and Nuthatches. The Waxwings feathers look like...wax they are so perfectly smooth. They pluck the berries with amazing speed and down they go.

I wish I had the camera in my hand when Sam hollered "Moose." Out the back window I saw the head of the momma and the back of the baby go flying across the yard. Now we are talking huge! Alaska is incredible, what appears outside my window is simply amazing. I'll see if I can pull up the photo of the moose licking our livingroom window....that was pretty interesting. Searched and searched, can't find the moose pics. We had a bird feeder hanging from the eves and the moose was trying to get the suet. There were two of them licking the livingroom window. The kids were little and sitting on the back of the couch touching the moose through the glass. I was freaked out and on the OTHER side of the room. I love moose, but I think they could've bashed in the glass and trompled us all. I don't like my wildlife quite so close.

I'm off to fold laundry...never a dull moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your comments on the birds, but wanted to let you know that Grandma and Grandpa McDonald also loved to watch the Cedar Waxwings from their kitchen table. The birds arrived just before the first big snow in Nampa to feed on the Juniper berries and again just after the last snow they would return to feed on the Juniper berries again. One thing was different, though, on their return trip: the berries had frozen, then thawed, and so when the birds filled their craws and sat in the sun it didn't take long for these berries to ferment--!!Grandma and Grandpa had many laughs!!
Thank you for all the info.
Aunt JoAnn