Monday, January 26, 2009

Sorrow and Joy

An online friend's husband died this morning. She wasn't surprised by this, she is sad beyond measure, yet rejoicing that his pain is over. A dear sister in the Lord, she will navigate the hours, days, weeks and months without her precious highschool sweet heart, married 33 years, with only babies in Heaven to make her more eager to go. I am grateful to know her, and am familiar with her sorrow, and also with her rejoicing. It is agony to watch someone suffer and feel so helpless. When our selfish and selfless prayers are finally answered by God we hope to understand, to get a glimpse of how He was glorified by their suffering, or by our agony in watching. When our sovereign God stands to greet our loved one, we breathe, we let go of all the holding in we have done for weeks or months or years. We sigh, relieved of this duty that became a blessing to us. We wonder how to survive without them.... and in time remind ourselves that the One who holds our loved one now, the One who held us when we didn't know how we could do this for one more day, will hold us now.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Pamela, thank you so much for this post. You say eloquently exactly what I have been feeling. I am so very thankful you are my friend and a part of my life. Thank you so much for your continued prayers. I need them more than even I realized until today. I love you and treasure your friendship.
