Saturday, April 26, 2008

Snow Snow Snow

We have had 6-10 inches of snow (according to the newspaper it was 12 inches!). Much of it has melted now with only about 4 inches on the ground. What a beautiful, bright spring surprise! This photo is early on in the day when it started snowing. Some people get a little bent at this weather, I just shake my head, kind of laugh. God certainly knows our need, all this snow filling up our well is just fine with me.
Our house sitter is coming in a bit to meet the pets. I'm hoping she is a match and they all get along well. I'm such a sap, trusting someone to care for my pets is tough.
Sam had a tumble on his dirt bike. This 150 looks WAYYYY too big for him, in my mommy mind. He has a forearm abrasion that isn't too deep. The green bruise around it is pretty gnarly, and he seems to enjoy grossing mom out. Sigh....where is that precious little curly headed boy I gave birth too 13 yrs ago!!! VBG!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Poppa Made it Home Safely

I've called dad twice and he sounds great. Thomas picked him up at the airport and they went to dinner. I called him later that evening and he was tired but doing fine. Saturday evening I called and he had had a full day unpacking and settling in. Melissa stopped by for lunch and Amanda dropped in as well. Thomas cooked dinner Saturday night and dad thought that was just great.

It is quiet here. We all miss dad. Tony has prison ministry tonight. Sarah Beth is babysitting the whole weekend way across town and won't be home until late. Emily and Sam are at the neighbors playing football. I'm trying to rest today. I miss dad.

I miss mom

Monday, April 7, 2008

Warning Idaho....Don L. Shaffer is heading home!!!

Dad received the paperwork he was waiting for in today's mail. We filled it out and then he was ready to order his ticket home. He has things to do in Idaho. I offered to go with him but after discussing it he wants to go home and get settled alone. I will follow in May with the rest of the family.

I'm mixed, I want him to go home so he can feel settled again, adjust to home without mom, get a taste of what his new normal is going to be. But I don't want him to go, when he goes I will miss being able to take care of him, the connection to mom through him...all that. Yet time goes on and we have to keep going. It is going to be more step in the grieving process.

Dad says he might summer in Idaho and winter in Alaska...we'll see.

So watch out Idaho....Don L is headed your way, look for him to land on Friday, April 18th.