We have had 6-10 inches of snow (according to the newspaper it was 12 inches!). Much of it has melted now with only about 4 inches on the ground. What a beautiful, bright spring surprise! This photo is early on in the day when it started snowing. Some people get a little bent at this weather, I just shake my head, kind of laugh. God certainly knows our need, all this snow filling up our well is just fine with me.
Our house sitter is coming in a bit to meet the pets. I'm hoping she is a match and they all get along well. I'm such a sap, trusting someone to care for my pets is tough.
Sam had a tumble on his dirt bike. This 150 looks WAYYYY too big for him, in my mommy mind. He has a forearm abrasion that isn't too deep. The green bruise around it is pretty gnarly, and he seems to enjoy grossing mom out. Sigh....where is that precious little curly headed boy I gave birth too 13 yrs ago!!! VBG!!!