Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dinner, A Fall, Test Results, Sleeping

Tony and I did make it to dinner with our dear friends Kellie & Doug. Kellie has been through Cancer treatments, surgeries, scans for 5 yrs. She continues to be a medical miracle. God has been amazing us with her progress. Dinner was fine, fellowship was FABULOUS! Kellie stood up with me when I accepted Christ as savior. She was there when Tony and I welcomed Sarah Beth into the world. Kellie is truly my sister in the Lord!

The doctor's office called with results. Mom has a UTI, it is being cultured so we'll know what is happening in the next few days. She is on an antibiotic today. Her Thyroid went from 15 to 10 to .04. So now she is below normal and a month ago she was way above normal. They are waiting on another test result, T 3 Free, for those who know....that takes a few days before we address her thyroid.

Mom's nurse Sharon (a real sweetie) came this morning. She has ordered a new med for mom's skin tears. Mom fell or "crumpled" as dad said while we were out last night. No new skin tears but a few more bruises. No pain today so all is well. We are doing the two man potty brigade now so no more full night sleeps...but that was expected at some point along this journey.

I'm reading the book by Erin Lutzer One Minute after you Die. I'll keep you posted. One of our elders just read it the week before our Senior Pastor entered into glory. He said it was timely and encouraging. I hope it will be for me as well.

Off to pop a pizza into the husband is so thoughtful to suggest pizza tonight and to go get it at -10 is VERY cold today. Mom's room is a steamy 70 degrees...

Mom is sleeping on her side this evening, it has been a sleepy day for her. I hope the antibiotic does it's job and her foggy mind clears up in the next day or so. Lord willing.

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